As we age, we lose volume in our face. This leads to a deflation of the facial region and is one of the main causes of facial aging. There are many methods to add volume to the face, and one option is a facial fat transfer. During this procedure, fat is harvest from the belly or thighs and transplanted into the deep fat pockets that naturally occur in the face. Anytime a patient is considering undergoing a procedure such as a facial fat transfer, they will show interest in the cost so they plan accordingly.
What are the Components of the Cost of Facial Fat Transfer to the Face in Charlotte?
A team of healthcare professionals, equipment, and supplies are required to undergo a fat transfer to the face. There are 3 components of the price of facial fat transfer in North Carolina procedure:
- Surgeon’s Fee
- Facility Fee
- Anesthesia Fee
What Does the Surgeon’s Fee Account for During Facial Fat Transfer of the Face?
The surgeon’s fee is paid to the practice of the facial plastic surgeon. It covers a wide variety of expenses including all appointments with the doctor before and after the procedure. This will entail 1-2 appointments before surgery and at least 4 appointments after surgery.
The fee covers the time the surgeon takes to perform the procedure which can vary from 30 minutes to 1.0 hour.
This fee is also used to pay staff, supplies electricity, rent, and any other costs of the surgical practice. There are many other costs that are covered from the surgeon’s fee that do not go directly to your doctor.
What is the Facility Fee?
The facility fee is paid to the location where the fat transfer is performed in order to cover the services and supplies they provide. In the case of a facial fat transfer, the office, surgery center, or hospital would all be suitable facilities to perform the procedure.
The facility fee can vary, but typically this fee would cost less at an office. For this reason, it may be a good option for patients who are looking to bring down the price of facial fat transfer.
What is an Anesthesia Fee?
I want to ensure my patients have a wonderful experience during their facial fat transfer. The procedure can be performed while the patient is asleep, under twilight sedation, or awake. The anesthesia fee is paid to the medical personal giving the anesthesia (anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist). This is used to cover their supplies and services they provide.
If a patient chooses to undergo a facial fat transfer while awake, they would not be required to pay an anesthesia fee. For this reason, undergoing the procedure while awake is a more affordable option than having the procedure while asleep. If the procedure is complete while the patient is awake, the patient is given oral medications and a series of injections to ensure they are comfortable.
What Determines the Average Cost of Facial Fat Transfer to the Face in Charlotte?
The biggest variables are the location of the procedure, type of anesthesia, and how many areas of face are going to be treated. Conducting a facial fat transfer in the office is more affordable than in a surgery center or hospital. If the procedure is completed while the patient is awake, it will be less expensive than a patient that is put asleep by anesthesia.
The more areas of the face to be treated, the more the procedure will cost
What is the Average Cost of Facial Fat Transfer in Charlotte?
The cost ranges from the low end of $2,500 up to $5,500 for facial fat transfer in North Carolina. Most patients fall somewhere in the middle of this range.
Why Choose Dr. Kulbersh for Your Fat Transfer?
Dr. Kulbersh is a Beverly Hills trained facial plastic surgeon. His training in the world wide center of plastic surgery with some of the best doctors in the field allows him to bring these skills and techniques to the Carolinas.
How Do I Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Kulbersh?
Contact his office at (704) 842-3644 or send an email inquiry.
Next, read about Multi-Level Fat Grafting.