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How much Botox do you need for these 10 treatment areas?

Botox® is a popular cosmetic treatment that can help smooth wrinkles and fine lines in various areas of the face and neck. But how much Botox is the right amount? Here’s a look at the typical number of units needed for different treatment zones.

How Many Units of Botox are Considered Standard?

Regardless of the treatment area, most people need between 20-60 units of Botox per session. The exact number depends on your anatomy, muscle strength, and aesthetic goals. An experienced injector can assess your needs.


The forehead is one of the most common areas treated with Botox. Horizontal forehead lines can make you look older, tired, or stressed. For the forehead, we typically administer 10-30 units. You may need more units of Botox for your first time.

Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet are the fine lines that radiate out from the outer corners of your eyes. They’re often one of the first signs of aging. About 5-15 units per side (for a total of 10-30 units) is the standard range for crow’s feet. Botox is very effective at softening these lines for a more youthful, refreshed look around the eyes.

Masseter (Jaw)

The masseter muscles along the jawline can become enlarged from teeth grinding or clenching, leading to a square, masculine-looking jaw. Botox injections in the masseter help slim and contour the lower face for a more elegant, tapered shape. Most people need 15-30 units per side in the masseter area.

“11” Lines

The “11” lines, or glabellar lines, are the vertical wrinkles that form between your eyebrows. They can make you look angry, stern, or unapproachable. We find that 10-25 units of Botox is usually perfect for erasing these lines and taking years off your appearance.

Bunny Lines

“Bunny lines” are the diagonal wrinkles that appear on either side of your nose when you scrunch it up. While less common than crow’s feet or forehead lines, bunny lines are still a concern for many. Just 5-10 units per side is all it takes to relax these nose wrinkles and create a smoother look.

Lip Flip

The Botox lip flip has become a trendy alternative to lip filler for enhancing the upper lip. By injecting a few units above the upper lip border, the lip flips upward to look fuller and more defined. A lip flip generally takes 4-6 units.

Droopy mouth

Botox can subtly lift the corners of the mouth for a more refreshed appearance. For droopy mouth corners, 4-8 units per side can produce a nice tightening effect.


Horizontal necklace lines and vertical platysmal bands on the neck can be softened with Botox. Depending on the extent and depth of neck lines, 30-50 units may be needed to adequately relax the neck muscles and smooth the skin.

Smile Lines and Mouth Corners

Smile lines (nasolabial folds) and downturned corners of the mouth can give you a tired, sad, or angry appearance, even when you’re not frowning. We often use 3-6 units per side to elevate the mouth corners and soften smile lines, though dermal fillers are typically a more popular option.

Smoker’s Lines

The vertical lines that form above and around the lips, known as smoker’s lines or lipstick lines, are notoriously stubborn. For best results, 4-8 units of Botox is recommended to minimize these lip lines. Dermal filler may also be needed to restore volume to deeper lines.

Other Uses for Botox

In addition to smoothing wrinkles, Botox has many other cosmetic and medical uses, including:

  • Reducing a gummy smile (2-4 units)
  • Calming overactive sweat glands (50-100 units)
  • Alleviating migraines and TMJ symptoms (varies)
  • Treating eye and neck muscle spasms (varies)

Get Expert Botox Injections at Carolina Facial Plastics

If you’re interested in achieving smoother, younger-looking skin with Botox, our experienced team at Carolina Facial Plastics in Charlotte is here to help. We’ll work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that targets your specific concerns and helps you look like the best version of yourself. Contact us today to schedule your Botox consultation.

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