Asian Rhinoplasty in Charlotte

Asian Rhinoplasty in Charlotte Overview

Treats: Size, shape, and asymmetry of the nose

Length: Varies from 2 to 4 hours

Anesthesia: Asleep

In/Outpatient: Outpatient

Side Effects: Swelling and bruising around the eyes and nose, slight bleeding, and nasal stuffiness

Risks: Bleeding, infection, scarring, or side effects from anesthesia are common side effects after any surgery

Recovery: 1-2 weeks, some swelling may persist for up to one full year

Duration of Results: Permanent

Asian Nose Job Before and After Photos

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“From start to finish I had a great experience. Dr. Kulbersh and his team made sure I was comfortable every step of the way. He helped me get the best and most natural looking result. I can breath 1,000 times better than I could before and I could not be happier with the result!”

-Rambler7, RealSelf

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Carolina Facial Plastics is led by Dr. Jonathan Kulbersh, a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon with extensive knowledge of the distinctive aspects Asian patients seek in a rhinoplasty procedure. As a fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Kulbersh studied ethnic rhinoplasties, like African American rhinoplasty, extensively and performed many procedures on patients worldwide.

Dr. Kulbersh performs all of his surgical procedures at his private, accredited Fairview Surgical Suites. Patients can also opt to spend a portion of their recovery in our luxurious Fairview Recovery Retreat, where they will receive 5-star accommodations and round-the-clock nursing care.

Asian rhinoplasty, also called a nose job, is a plastic surgery procedure focusing on the nose. This ethnic nose job is ideal for Asian patients who want to change their nose shape or size without compromising the unique features of an Asian nose. The end goal of Asian rhinoplasty is quite different from traditional rhinoplasty performed on the Western population, as it aims to preserve ethnicity while balancing the nose with other facial features. Dr. Kulbersh can tackle common issues in Asian noses, including:

  • Flat nasal bridge
  • Disproportionately small nose
  • Weak nasal tip
  • Wide nostrils

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An Asian rhinoplasty is a great option for Asian patients who wish to alter their nose’s shape, and size, while preserving their ethnicity. A good candidate should have realistic aesthetic goals and understand what nose surgery can and cannot accomplish. Suitable candidates will be in good overall health and avoid smoking or medications that may impair healing.

The best way to ensure satisfactory and safe results is to work with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon with experience performing Asian rhinoplasty procedures. Your surgeon can assess your facial features, understand your desired outcome, and discuss techniques suitable for your beauty goals. Dr. Kulbersh of Carolina Facial Plastics is knowledgeable about the anatomy of Asian noses and the unique challenges of Asian nose surgery. Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about our rhinoplasty procedures.

Frequently asked questions

An Asian rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping the nose while preserving the patient’s ethnicity. An expert surgeon understands the patient’s desired outcome and creates facial balance and harmony with nose surgery.

You will receive general anesthesia for your procedure, so you are asleep for your surgery. During the procedure, Dr. Kulbersh will make precise incisions on the nose, remove excess tissue or cartilage, and reposition the remaining tissue to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing shape. Depending on your unique needs and treatment plan, an open or closed technique may be used to provide access to tissue and structural cartilage.

Learn more about rhinoplasty here.

After your procedure, Dr. Kulbersh will provide instructions on properly caring for yourself during the healing process. This will involve keeping your head elevated, taking medications as prescribed, and avoiding strenuous activities. You may experience some swelling and bruising in the area, but these will naturally subside over time. Your surgeon may also recommend specific treatments to manage pain and swelling, such as a nose splint. Patients can expect visible improvements and minimal side effects after 4-6 weeks.

While any surgery has a chance for scarring, an expert surgeon can make precise incisions for minimal scarring. Open rhinoplasty involves an incision across the columella, the strip of tissue between the nostrils on the underside of the nose. This technique allows more access to the nasal anatomy and leaves a single scar behind that is nearly invisible once it heals fully. The closed method involves incisions inside the nostrils, which eliminates any visible scarring but is not suitable for all procedures. Dr. Kulbersh will discuss both strategies with you and help you decide which is best for your needs.

Since general anesthesia is used, patients will not experience any pain during the procedure. Patients can expect some tenderness following an Asian rhinoplasty, but medication helps keep patients comfortable for the first days after surgery. Most pain and swelling subsides after the first week of recovery.

Most insurance companies do not typically cover rhinoplasty as it is considered an elective procedure. Depending on the patient’s circumstances and diagnosis, coverage may be provided for medically necessary procedures. It is best to contact your insurance company prior to your procedure to understand your coverage options better.

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